Wunderist Metabolism: Sunrise


Even just 20-30 minutes of morning sunlight is enough to keep your weight in perfect balance.

Researchers have found a connection between early morning light exposure and regulating one's metabolism. Turns out that early morning light triggers certain genes which are linked to the internal body clock and kick-start the metabolism.

"Light is the most potent agent to synchronize your internal body clock that regulates circadian rhythms, which in turn also regulates energy balance," -Dr Phyllis Zee, Professor of Neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Besides - any time you can turn your life back on and simply breathe, make your mind quiet, and enjoy the moment is a wonderful thing. Rushing, worrying, ticking off items on the to-do list, are just so anti-sunrise. And btw this is the perfect time of year to begin the practice of watching sunrises since they are more spectacular in winter months.

inspirationKRISTEN GROVE